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Advantages of Bespoke Clothing Part 2

Best Tailors in Bangkok, Thailand

2. Bespoke clothing allows you to get creative

When you visit a tailor’s like Giri Custom Custom Tailors, you will be allowed to pick and choose every aspect of your clothing including fabric. You may not realize this, but there is a wide range of fabrics from which high-end clothing may be made.  Unlike off-the-shelf clothing items which are made from generic materials, You will be able to choose the precise fabrics and patterns you would like for your bespoke clothing. If being distinctive matters to you, bespoke is the way to go!

3. Durability

All clothing are subject to different forms of wear and tear. This is made worse when your clothing does not fit you perfectly in the first place. When bending or stretching your joints, you will put extra strain on the seams of off-the-shelf clothing, eventually leading to faster degradation.

4. Cheaper in the long run

Bespoke clothing may cost a little more up front due to the higher level of care that goes into crafting each clothing item. However, this also means that your clothing will be much more durable and will cost far less in terms of replacement costs over a period of years.

Giri Custom Tailor

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